LA. Any guess what LA could be?
I am sure when you say LA, the first thing that comes to mind is LOS
ANGELES. It is indeed a lovely place.
ANGELES. It is indeed a lovely place.
So what do we want in life?
Let’s look at the basics first: Food, Clothes, House, Car, Money, Good
bank balance. I am sure many of us have all of this. But the question
still remains, what is LA?
Have you heard the song “Har kisi ko nahin milta yahan pyar zindagi
mein”. If not then please listen to it here. It’s an amazing song which
has been remixed a couple of times.
Now, what has this song got to do with LA?
Let’s take L first and elaborate. By now you have guessed it right
that L stands for LOVE. I am sure you agree with me that
everyone wants love. Even the animals, plants & environment. Have
you ever thought that despite of so many things we want like Good
food, house, clothes & all the other comforts then why was there no
song like “Har kisi ko nahin milta yahan paisa (money) zindagi mein”
or “Har kisi ko nahin milta yahan Kapde (clothes) zindagi mein. It’s
because if there is no love then all of this is waste.

A small story
Once 3 old men came to a house & rang the bell. The woman opened
the house & asked them to come in to have food. They checked if her
husband was at home. She said NO. They said that they would come
in once the husband comes home. When the husband comes home
she narrates everything. The husband asks the wife to call them inside
but they say only one can come. They introduce themselves as
The lady goes inside & there is a discussion. The husband says let’s
call MONEY as they were poor. The little child says let’s call
HAPPINESS. The lady says let’s call LOVE as it binds relationships.
Then she goes out & calls LOVE & the other 2 also follow him. They
say that:
Wherever LOVE goes we go automatically behind him.
Wherever LOVE goes we go automatically behind him.
Note: Here we refer to the feeling & not the physical aspect.
That’s not the real love. Love others & Love will come back to
you. It has to be unconditional, though.
Now let’s look at A. It stands for Acceptance. If you give love
then acceptance is the part of Love. We all are different, isn’t it? We
look different, we act different, we even express differently.
Then why is it that when we behave or express differently there is no
acceptance. I am sure you want to be accepted the way you are. We
are rich or poor, dark or fair, intelligent or less intelligent by the way we
have been brought up or the financial conditions but all this is
Acceptance does not mean we hug people or adopt them. It simply
means that we should accept the differences & make them feel that
they are accepted.
We may be rich now but even we can turn poor. We may be young
now but even we can turn old. We may be brilliant now but even we
can turn dumb someday.
Finally all I have to say that LAW OF GIVING makes a lot of
difference here because what you give is what you get.
So next time
- If your Mother needs help, help her
- Your Grandparents need time & patience, give it
- Your colleagues need understanding, please understand
Do add your valuable feedback if you agree and do share the good
word and let’s make this world a better place to live in.
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