I am sure that with Mother’s Day coming up on 8-May-16, all the kids and mothers must be excited and you must be excited too.
Everyone loves their mothers and there is no doubt about that. I don’t see a single reason why we would not love her?
You must have also heard that since GOD could not reach everywhere so he made mothers who could be just like him and take care of his creation. Well even our mothers are his creation but I am always surprised at the kind of power that they have which drives them right until the last day of their lives. They are simply irreplaceable.
So in short can we say that mothers are GOD – Part II? That is what I feel as far as mothers universally are concerned.
Some Qualities of GOD – Part II
· Brings us to life after 9 months of struggle
· Is more excited at our birth than anyone else
· We are more expensive and valuable then even her basic wishes
· She is a mind reader when we are hungry or need something
· She is the vault of core values which she imbibes in us
· She serves us free of charge
· She does things without any major expectations
- Always supports us in our decisions
I am sure there are many more qualities but these are a few that struck my mind instantly.
It’s her turn
Well, the world is a stage and life is a game that we all play. Everyone tries their best to play their role to perfection but some just surpass the expectations of their game play and create history. One such person is mother.
· Raises us up from a small bud into a flower
· Teaches us to walk on our feet
· Adds the fragrance of values in our lives
· Takes care of our nutritional needs
· Prays for us day and night
· Gives us medicines on time and stays awake at night sometimes
to ensure we heal
to ensure we heal
· Sometimes has to clean the floor off our toilet when we are kids
· Keeps calm even when we irritate her to the core
Things which are good for us
There are some things that mother does which are good for us in the long term but since we are more influenced and less understanding so we have
a different view of her actions.
a different view of her actions.
What she does?
· Shouting at us when we are wrong
· Trying to know about our friends
· Making us eat stuff which we don’t like
· Chasing us to keep things tidy
· Ensure we finish our homework and study well
· Forcing us to do difficult things or face difficult situations
What she wants?
· She wants us to be righteous in life
· She wants to know the company we keep
· She wants us to eat everything so that we can survive on any food
· She wants us to be clean so we can be healthy
· She wants us to get good grades and be confident from childhood
· She wants us to be independent so that we live a better life even after she is gone
How we look at it?
· My mother does not understand me
· She is trying to invade our privacy
· She wants us to eat what she likes
· She does not have patience with our lifestyle
· She wants us to only study and not play
· She always puts us in difficult situations and doesn’t understand that we are inexperienced
What are we doing?
I am sure that with technology and socialising taking over our lives, I don’t even have to mention what has changed. However let’s look at a few things.
· Argue with mother when she tries to explain
· Don’t eat food when she feeds us what we don’t like
· Prioritize friends outings over mothers needs
· Try to explain her about generation GAP
· Loose our patience if she says something multiple times
· Giving her a stick when she gets older
· Are very un-attentive to her unspoken words and tears
· Finally put her in old age home when we can’t take it anymore
We have watched many movies on these topics but it is time that we actually watch and learn.
Imagine if
· Mother got irritated and put us in child home as kids
· Mother didn’t pick us up when we fell
· Mother did not serve us food the next time if we wasted it
· Mother spoke on the phone while we spoke to her
· She decided to go out with friends by bunking your annual day function
· Lost patience and beat us or spoke rudely to us when we irritated us
When mother did not do all these things then why do we make her wait in everything?
I also have arguments with my mother sometimes and feel very bad that I should not have argued back but we all need to speak to ourselves and change.
These days diabetes and knee pain is a common health problem and if your mother for any reason has some health issues then she may tend to get irritated sometimes but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t love you.
If we are making her wait then we are making GOD – Part II wait and then when we need GOD to do things for us on time we wonder why?
I don’t say that be a mummy’s boy but prioritize her needs as she has prioritized your while bringing you up as a child.
Let’s do something special for her not only on Mother’s Day but at every occasion that we can.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers
All the best to all the Children
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