The 3 WOR that can make life Worthy

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Each one of us wants to be worthy in life. No one would like to be ignored or lack behind in life.

The question is how do we make ourselves worthy in this highly competitive environment?

There are many things that can make us worthy but here there are 3 WOR that I would like to stress on basis my experience.

Let’s dive straight in and look at them one at a time.


Image result for exercise and eat healthy

The first WOR is workout. People are highly focused on health as the cost of health care is high and keeping yourself healthy saves you a lot of time and money.

There are 2 aspects to Workout i.e. Physical & Mental workouts.

Physical Workouts

Physical workouts is all about eating healthy and exercising on a regular basis. While we all know that the balance of both gives us amazing health benefits but the shocking thing according to a popular website says that

53% Indians lack the discipline to stay fit

The reason for lack of discipline is lack of experience of experimenting with both the aspects of food and exercise.

This brings us to the second workout which is

Mental Workouts

Mental workouts is all about positive food for the mind and exercising the brain. Positive food is the first intake you take
as you wake up which ideally should be 5 minutes of a good book, 5 minutes of listening something motivational or 5 minutes
of gratitude for all you have. That’s about the positive food.

Exercise of the mind is churning the positive input and trying to use the learning in your interactions and actions and making them a part of your personality.


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The second WOR is Worship which we are not so inclined towards.


Lack of knowledge of what worship can do to your life. Here are a few benefits

    • Invites the presence of GOD
    • Brings Victory
    • Brings deliverance from Enemies
    • Satisfies the Soul
    • Repels Depression
    • Brings Liberty
    • Brings Joy
    • Draws Men to GOD
    • Strengthens our Faith

GOD also means GOOD OLD DAYS when everyone of us was united and thought only about good for others.

Worship is not only about praying but its a lot more. Few things which can be added to prayers are

  • Volunteering for a good cause
  • Keeping the environment clean
  • Helping others without any reason or expectation
  • Giving a listening ear to someone

All the above is the effect of prayers or worship as GOD who is the source of positive power empowers us to do the good
karma despite us living in a world where we are short on time.


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Work is Worship is a common phrase we have heard.

Do you know the reason why?

Because it keeps the mind busy. Imagine if you were to sit with no work then the empty mind would be a devils workshop. Work also has 2 aspects i.e. Working and Growing.


We all continue to work and work for hours, days, months and years and sometimes reach a point where work becomes
monotonous but we still continue to do the same things. The reason is we have become comfortable doing the same things
or we have not developed any new skill which makes us worthy of taking up something new.

This brings us to the next aspect which is


We keep growing in height and weight but don’t grow where we actually need to i.e. Knowledge. There are many trainings and free resources that we can learn from and enhance our skills but the thought of putting in extra effort to learn pulls us back and so despite of learning opportunities knocking on our doors we reject the offer and don’t continue to grow which leads to
a monotonous lifestyle.

The Middle Connection

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Between Workout and Work which both requires a lot of self motivation and sometimes pushing ourselves over the limits which requires a powerful mind which comes through connecting with GOD.

The easiest way of connecting with GOD is to learn Meditation which has various benefits such as

  • Good Decision Making
  • Better Stress Management
  • Able to remember useful information
  • Better Problem Solving Skills
  • Creativity improves
  • Brain stays young forever
  • Easy at adapting to changes
  • Self Control Increases
  • Leading a Happier life with less

These are powers that you receive when you are connected to GOD as he is our spiritual father so all this is his property which he passes on to us.

To learn meditation online go to

I have benefitted greatly with these 3 WOR and feel that life has become worthy.

Do you think the 3 WOR can work towards making our lives worthy if implemented well? Do leave your thoughts…

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year…


  1. In fact jts more of a teaching i have learnt here. And am hoping to aply this 3 WOR on my self to make my life worth it.


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